Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wine cake!

So many many years ago my family has been making this cake. It's so good and so easy! It came from this cookbook!

I'm sure there is other great recipes in here but the wine cake is the only one we ever used! My grandmother always changed up her recipes, she loved to cook and bake. She was very good at it. She could go into a restaurant and figure out what they put in their food, go home, and recreate it. So today I mixed it up a bit.

1 yellow cake mix
1 small pkg of banana pudding
3/4 cup of cream sherry
3/4 cup of vegetable oil
4 eggs
Nutmeg to your liking

Mix it all up and pour it into a loaf pan @ 350 oven for about 40 minutes.  

When it's finished let rest in pan for 5 minutes and turn it out on a cooling rack  once it cools sprinkle with powdered sugar. Yum!

The original recipe uses California sherry, vanilla pudding, and normally I make it in a tube pan.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cooking class

Yesterday I took a cooking class with my friend Ruthie! It was so much fun!  It was a flat bread class, we made different flat bread  from all over the world. My favorite one was knackbrod, see recipe below!

This bread is almost like a cracker, it had a very distinct taste. I didn't think I was going to like it at all. It was delicious!  The chef said it would last a very long time, and yes I would make it again.

The other night I made these sandwiches!  I call them a chicken ranch sandwich!
I used this recipe:

Flat bread

1tsp of yeast
1tsp salt
2tbls sugar
1 cup warmzwater
21/2 cup flour
Mix kneed
Let rise in bowl with olive oil
Make 8 balls let rise for 1/2 hour on parchment
Cook in hot skillet

When u flip brush with melted butter

From the class I took yesterday the chef said to mix all dry ingredients then add the wet. Also let your dough be a little sticky, it will make a softer bread. My family loves these. Sorry my picture is not very good, I will try to take better pictures. So all I did was make the bread, cook my chicken, cut cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onions. This would also be greek as a Greek gyro sandwich with tzatziki sauce!

Here is a picture of my friend Ruthie and I at our class yesterday!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I love this time of year! In late August I start saying goodbye to summer and bring out all of my fall goodies!  My latest find is this picture which I think is so cute. You can find it at www.jonesdesigncompany.com So yesterday I went into Hobby Lobby and had it framed. They were having a sale on all their frames.  I had a great salesman and he helped me with my picture. The total cost to have it matted and frames was under 12.00. I hope you love it as much as I do! Goodbye summer hello fall:-)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My new banner

Well I'm so excited to have made this banner today, every time I look up at it, it puts a smile on my face. It just looks so rich to me. So below I will show you a picture and then I will tell you what I did to make it.

So I took good scrapbook paper and cut it 6" long by 5" wide, at the bottom I went and put a mark at 2 1/2" up in the back, and cut from the bottom corner to the 2 1/2 in mark on the other side. Then I just used my cricut to cut my letters๐Ÿ˜Š When I was finished with that I glued the letters to the front and glued them on to some gold ribbon!  I added ribbon that I tied in knots to the end. There you have it it was so easy!  I hope you enjoy making one for yourself๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒฐ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŒป๐Ÿˆ

Monday, January 21, 2013

My diet

Last week was very hard for me. I did well the first few days but on Friday I ate like there was no tomorrow. I was so disappointed in myself. So today we are off to a new week and I will try again. I went on the Internet and found another source about the three day diet here is the link. http://3daydiets.net/

I hope this helps for any of you that are following me!

Now on to the things I love!  The other day my daughter and I made butternut squash soup, well actually my daughter did the cooking. It was amazing. Here is how we made it

1 butternut squash roasted in a 400 degree oven for about 45 minutes with olive oil salt and pepper to your liking. Also cut the squash in half scrape the seeds out.

Cook 2 carrots, 2 sticks of celery, 1 yellow onion, in 1 stick of butter, until they are soft. Add the squash no skin,  nutmeg to your liking, salt, and pepper. Then add 6 cups of water flavored with bullion cubes, I used knorr. Let the soup simmer for about fifteen minutes, then blend with an emersion blender or use your blender to make a puree. We did not add anything else because it didn't need it. To serve i added a tsp of sour cream. Courtney and i thought it would be great with goat cheese. This soup was better than boudin bakery.  I have made a lot of soups and this one is one of the best!  Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Crafting day

So on Friday January 5, my sister, and her girls, and their children came over to my house for a
crafting day. As usual we did not get as far as we would have liked but we did have fun. We worked on paper houses, that we enjoy doing, but are very time consuming.  We did purchase some of the houses from Hobby Lobby and some we made from scratch.  The photos below show use working on them.

Here is the house I finished that day!

This house is already made at hobby lobby, you just paint and add the embellishments.

Here is a house that I make from scratch a few years ago!

My diet

I have not been able to get on the last few days to tell you how my diet worked out. I lost a total of 5 lbs!  5 pounds is pretty good, of course I wold have liked to have lost more, but that did not happen. I will start back up again next Wednesday. I am determined to stay with this until we finish basketball season, which will be February 8. Yesterday was a horrible eating day, today I will try to do better.